
浓缩丸(Concentrated pill) 片剂 (Tablets) 胶囊剂 (Capsules) 颗粒剂 (Granules)

TL045 银翘丸
Yin Qiao Wan
(Honeysuckle Detox)
银 翘 解 毒 片Yin Qiao Jie Du Pian
(Honeysuckle Detox Tablet) Item no. D5158 (tablet)
Jin Yin Hua 金银花(Lonicera Flos)               15.4%
Lian Qiao 连翘 (Forsythia Fructus)            15.4%
Jie Geng 桔梗(Platycodon Radix)                9.2%
Bo He 薄荷(Mentha Folium)              9.2%
Dan Dou Chi 淡豆豉(Soja Semen (Preparatum)) 7.6%
Dan Zhu Ye 淡竹叶 (Lophatherum Herba)      6.2%
Niu Bang Zi 牛蒡子(Arctium Fructus)                9.2%
Jing Jie 荆芥 (Schizonepeta Herba)          6.2%
Lu Gen 芦根(Phragmites Rhizoma)           15.4%
Gan Cao 甘草(Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice))   6.2%
Action and Indication: This formula disperses Wind-Heat; removes Interior Heat and Toxins.  It is used to help a person with the beginning stage of Heat-related symptoms brought on by Wind and Heat.  Related symptoms are: mild aversion to wind and cold; fever; no perspiration or very little perspiration; headache; thirsty; sore throat; coughing caused by virus or flu; influenza in the spring, summer, or fall seasons; common cold; flaccidity of the limbs; stifling sensation in the chest; tooth-ache; urine amber and turbid; red eyes; throat inflammation; stomach inflammation due to chronic Damp-Heat; acute upper respiratory tract inflammation; tonsils inflammation.  Tongue usually has red tip with a thin white or yellow coating.  Pulse is usually floating and rapid.  
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