编号(No.) 品名(Name) 主治功能(Action & Indication)
TL034 Shu Gan Wan
To remove the stagnation of the liver Qi, regulate the stomach functionand relieve pain. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
舒肝和胃,理气止痛。(口服, 一次8粒, 一日3次)
TL035 Xiao Huo Luo Wan
Blood circulate probl ems, relieving dampness, pain in limbs arthralgiadue to with cold, and dampness, sore axtremi tles, Dampness in 1 imbs.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
祛风除湿,活络,用于风寒湿痹,肢骨疼痛,麻木枸挛。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL036 Yang Yin Jiang Ya Wan
To nourish yin of the liver and kidney, lowed blood pressure 。(8 pills once,3 times daily)
滋阴潜阳,降压。(口服, 一次8粒,一3次)
TL037 Qing Ying Tang
Clears heat and dispel toxicity, nourish yin of blood.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
清营养血,透热解毒,养阴活血。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL038 Bai Tou Weng Tang
Clear heat, resolves toxicity, cools the blood, relieves diarrhea and dysentery. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL039 Wu Ling San
Promotes diuresis, drains Dampness, strengthens the spleen, warms theyang. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
温养化气,利水渗湿。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL040 Wu Pi Yin
Promotes diuresis, drains Dampness, strengthens the spleen, warms the yang eliminate dampness and lediice edema, regulate the Qi and strengthens. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
利水健脾,利水消肿。(口服 ,一次8粒,一日3次)
TL041 Bei Xie Sheng Shi Wan
Clears Damp- heat, promotes Blood circulation, el iminates Toxicity. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
清热渗湿。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL042 Dan Shen Yin
Quickens the blood and dispels Blood stasis, move the Qi and alleviates pain. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
化瘀行气,止痛(口服,一次8粒,一日 3次)
TL043 Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
Drains excess from the liver and Gallbladder, clear damp-heat from San Jiao. (6 pills once,3 times daily)
泻肝胆实火,清肝经湿热。(口服, 一次6粒,一日3次)
TL044 Mai Men Dong Tang
Tonifies and nourishes the stomach Qi and Yin, nourishes the lung Yin,promotes the production of Body. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL045 Xiang Lian Wan
Clears heats, transforms dampness, regulates the Qi.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
清热解毒,行气止痛,清肠化湿。(口服,一次8粒, 一日3次)
TL046 Xuan Bi Tang
Clears heats, eliminates Dampness, unblocks the channels and col lat ion,relieve painful obstruction. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
清热化湿,宣痹通络。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL047 Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan
Quickens the Blood and dispels Blood stasis, regulates the Qi and relieves pain. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
活血祛瘀,舒肝利气,胸痛,头痛等。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL048 Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan
Regulates the liver and stomach, moves the Qi and reduce stagnation, dries dampness. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
行气止痛。(口服,一次8粒, 一日3次)
TL049 Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
Disperses stagnant Qi, moves the Qi and clears wind- cold form heat, directs rebellious Qi downwards, transforms phlegm.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
疏肝清热。(口服,一次8粒, 一日3次)
TL050 Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan
Di sperses painful obstruct ion, dispels wind, Cold and damp, tonifies the liver and kidney, replenishes the Qi and Blood.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL051 Zeng Ye Tang
Nourishes the Yin, moistens dryness, generals Body fluids, moistens the intestines and unblocks. (10 pills once,3 times daily)
阳明湿病,数日不解大便。(口服, 一次1 0粒,一日3次)
TL052 Tian Ma Wan
Calms the liver and extinguishes wind, and alleviates pain.(6 pills once,3 times daily)
祛风除湿,舒筋通络,活血止痛。(口服, 一次6粒,一日3次)
TL053 Huo Zhu Wan
Tonifes the spleen and Qi, relieves Dampness and promote diuresis.(6 pills once, 3 times daily)
健脾益气,燥湿利水。(口服, 一次6粒,一日3次)
TL054 YiGanSan
Calms rebellious liver Qi, regulates the liver Qi and Blood, extinguishes,internal Wind. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
舒肝,理气,行气,祛痛. (口服,一次8粒, 一日3次)
TL055 Bi Xie Fen Qing Ying
Warms the ki dney, drains Dampness, transforms and separates the tubid from the dear. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
温肾利湿,小搜频数,混渴不适。(口服, 一次8粒, 一日3次)
TL056 Tian Ma Gou Teng Wan
Calms the liver, extinguishes internal Wind clear heat, tonifies the liver and the kidney, calms the kidney.
(8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL057 Tian Qi Pian
Nourishes the Blood, quickens the Blood and transforms Blood stasis.(4 pills once,3 times daily)
散瘀止血,消肿定痛,咯血,便血。(口服, 一次4粒,一日3次)
TL058 Bu Yang Huan Wu Wan
Tonifies the Qi, quickens the Blood and unblocks the channels.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
补气活血,通络。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL059 Da Chai Hu Wan
Harmonies and relieves the Shao Yang division, clears gas-trointinal heat-bind, clear liver Fire and Gallbladder fire.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
和解少阳,通下热结。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL060 Jin Ling Zi San
Spreads the liver Qi, drains heat, regulates and alleviates pain.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
舒肝理气,泻热止痛。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL061 Si Ni San
Spreads the liver Qi and relieves constraint, harmonies the liver and spleen, relieves pain, vents pathogenic heat.
(8 pills once,3 times daily)
舒肝利脾,解郁透热。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL062 Chai Hu Shu Gan Wan
To smooth the liver, to promote the flow of Qi and Blood, to relieve pain. (8 pills once,3 times dai1y)
疏肝行气,活血止痛。(口服,一次8粒, 一日3次)
TL063 Shu Jin Huo Xue Wan
To replenish blood circulation, cause subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain, lessen muscle contracture and
move dysfunction of the collateral channels. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL064 Yuan Hu Zhi Tong Pai
Tonifes Qi and promote Blood alienate pain(4 pills once,3 times daily)
理气活血,止痛。(口服, 一次4粒,一日3次)
TL065 Xiao Feng San
To dispel wind, to cause subsidence of swelling and to remove dampheat.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
疏风消肿,清热除湿。(口服,一次8粒, 一日 3次)
TL066 Huo Xue Tong Mai Wan
Nourishes Blood and promote regulate pulse, strengthen heart and dispel pain. (6 pills once,3 times daily)
活血通脉,强心镇痛。(口服,一次6粒,一日 3次)
TL067 Jin Gu Die Da Wan
To nourishes and quicken Blood and muscle. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
补气活血,强筋骨,续骨。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL068 Jiang Ya Wan
Warm and nourishes kidney and clears liver, lowed fire.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL069 Zhi Qi Guan Wan
Clears livers Qi and alleviate phlegm, relieves coughing and wheezing.(6 pills once,3 times daily)
TL070 Xiao Yan Tui Re granule
Clear heat and relieves Toxicity cools the Blood relieve and resolves swellings, Used for wind-heat. (10g once,3 times daily)
TL071 Gan Tai granule
Nourishes liver Qi and quicken Blood, relieve phlegm and regulate Qi.(10g once,3 times daily)
舒肝养血,化瘀理气。(口服,一次一袋(1 0g),一日3次)
TL072 Qin Hou Yan granule
Nouishes and tonifes of Yin the throat. (10g once,3 times daily)
养阴,清咽。(口服, 一次一袋( 10g),一日3次)
TL073 Xiao Ke Nin Wan
Tonifes the Yin and promote regulate kidney Qi, Used for di abetes.(8 pillsonce,3 times daily)
主治糖尿病。(口服,一 次8粒,一日 3次)

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