编号(No.) 品名(Name) 主治功能(Action & Indication)
TL093 SHI Quan Da Bu Wan
To warm and replenish Qi and Blood, used for deficiency of both QI and blood, marked by pal lor shortness of breath, palpitat ion dizziness,spontaneous sweat ing, lassitude and cold extremities, or excessive
menstrual di scharge.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL094 Shen Qi Da Bu Wan
To reinforce the vital engergy, used for deficiency of Qi marked by poor health the extremities lassitude. (8 pills once.3 times daily)
补益元气,用于气虚体弱,四肢无力. (口服,一次8粒,一日3次)
TL095 Gu Ben Wan
To nourish yin and replenish Qi, dear lung and lower the fire, used for deficiency of both Qi and Yin marked by hectic fever coughs and cough with blood, poor health involuntary sweat and night sweat back of strength or insufficiency of visceral fluids after illness.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
滋阴补气,清肺降火。用于气阴两虚,乏力或病后津伤等。(口服,一 次8粒,一日 3次)
TL096 Tian Wang Bu Xin Wan
To nourlsh yin and blood, replenish heart to tranquilizing the mind.(8 pills once,3 times dally)
滋阴,养血,补心安神。用于心阴不足,心悸健忘,失岷多梦, 大便干燥。(口服,一次8粒,一日3次)
TL097 An Shen Bu Xin Wan
Tonifes heart blood, calms kidnev, rellves obstruction in the blood vessels strengthen heart and kidney connect ion.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
养心安神,用于心悸失眠,头晕耳鸣。(口服,一 次8粒,一 日3次)
TL098 Bal Zi Yang Xin Wan
Relleves heart phlegm di spenses heart, insomnia, anx iety, mental restlessness, palpitation and restless with dryness of mouth or lip.(8 pllIs once,3 tlmos dally)
补气养血,安神益智。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL099 Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan
To reinforce the function of the spleen and the stomach and relieve prolapsed. Used for weakness of the spleen and the stomach marked by lassi tude, anorexia abdominal distension and chronic diarrhea or accompany
of the rectum or uterus. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
补中益气,升阳举陷,用于脾胃虚弱,中气下陷,体倦乏力,食少腹中胀,久泻,脱肛,子宫脱垂。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL100 Nong Suo Yang Rong Wan
General Dability from chronic illnesses or following hildbrith or teauma. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL101 Gui Pi War
Useful for fatigue with night sweat ing palpitation, poor memory, restlessness insomnia or restless dreaming abnormal uterine, bleeding, and heavy menses. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
益气健脾,养血安神,用于心脾两虚,气短心悸,失眠多梦,头昏头晕,体倦乏力,食欲不振,崩漏便血。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL102 Ba Ji Yin Yang Tang
Warms and Tonifies the kidney yang, supplements and secures the kidney yang, nourishes the blood. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
补益肝肾,固津止汗。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL103 Fang Ji Huang Qi Wan
Tonifies Qi, strengthens the spleen, promotes diuresis to relieve edema, releases exterior pathogens. (6 pills once,3 times daily)
益气健脾,利水渗湿。(口服,一 次6粒, 一日3次)
TL104 Xiao Jian Zhong Tang
Warm and tonifies the middle Jiao, regulates the Qi and relieves abdominal pain. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL105 Dang Gui Liu Huang Wan
Enriches the Yin, clears heat, secures the exterior to stop sweating.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL106 Gan Mai Da 2ao Wan
Nourishes the Blood and calms the kidney, regulates and tonifies the Middle Jiao. (10 pills once,3 times daily)
补益心脾,安心安神。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL107 An Shen Ding Zhi Wan
Nourishes the Heart of Blood and Yin, calms kindey, harmonies the liver and spleen. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL108 Sheng Mai San
Tonifies Qi generates Body fluids, nourishes and astricts the Yin, stops excessive sweating. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
益气复脉,养阴生津,(口服,一次8粒, 一日3次)
TL109 Suan Zao Ren Tang
Nourishes the heart and liver Blood, calms the kindey clears deficiency heat and eliminates irritability. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
虚烦不眠,惊悸多梦,体虚多汗。(口服, -次8粒,日 3次)
TL110 Shou Wu Wan
Nourishes Blood and Yin, tonifies the liver and kidney. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
补肝肾,强筋骨,乌发。(口服,一 次8粒, 一日3次)
TL111 Zao Ren Yang Xin Wan
Tonifies the heart of Qi, nourishes the heart Blood, calms the shen.(10 pills once,3 times daily)
养血安神,用于气备亏虚。(口服, 一次10粒,一日3次)
TL112 Ba Zheng San
Clear Dam heat, purges fire, unblocks painful urinary dysfuction and promotes diuresis. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
滋阴清热,固表止汗,盗汗,口干,唇燥。(口服,一次8粒,一 日3次)
TL113 An Shen Bu Nao Pian
To nifes brains and calm kideny. (3 pills once,3 times daily)
用于全身衰弱,疲劳过度,健忘失眠。(口服, 一次3粒,一日3次)
TL114 Xiao Zao Ren An Mian Wan
To nourishes and promote regulate Blood, calm kideny.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
补血活血,止痛安神。(口服, 一 次8粒,一日3次)
TL115 Shen Mai granule
Nourishes Qi and regulate pulsation, tonifes Yin and regulate Yin.(10g once,3 times daily)
TL116 Fu Zhen Bu Xue granule
Strengthen Bodies immunity form disease nourishes Zhen Qi and kidneyQi quicken and regulate Blood. (10g once,3 times daily)
增强人体免疫力。[口服, 一次一袋( 1 0g),一日3次]
TL117 Wei Xue Nin granule
Nourishes Liver and kidney yang cools the Blood, clears heat, Usedfor thrombocytopenia and moisten excessive Blood since heat Blood. (10gonce,3 times daily)

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