
浓缩丸(Concentrated pill) 片剂 (Tablets) 胶囊剂 (Capsules) 颗粒剂 (Granules)

TL139 五味消毒饮
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
(Encourage & Calm Shen)
Pu Gong Ying  蒲公英(Teraxacum Herba (Dandelion))       35.29%
Ye Ju Hua 野菊花(Chrysanthemum Indicum Flos)      11.75%
Jin Yin Hua 金银花(Lonicera Flos)                       23.53%
Zi Hua Di Ding 紫花地丁(Viola Herba)                  11.71%
Lian Qiao 连翘(Forsythia Fructus)                          17.71%
Action and Indication: To remove heat and counteract toxicity, eliminate eruption and sores.
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