
浓缩丸(Concentrated pill) 片剂 (Tablets) 胶囊剂 (Capsules) 颗粒剂 (Granules)

TL095 玉屏风丸 Yu Ping Feng Wan (Jade Screen)
玉屏风片Yu Ping Feng Pian
(Jade Screen Tablet) Item no. D5161 (tablet)
Huang Qi黄耆 (Astragalus Radix)             50.00%
Fang Feng 防风(Siler Radix)  31.25%
Bai Zhu 白朮(Atractylodes Rhizoma)18.75%
Action and Indication:  This formula replenishes Qi, consolidates the exterior defensive system, and stops perspiration.  It is used for a person with low body resistance and deficiency of Vital Energy to protect
the body against diseases.  It is used for such symptoms as:  intolerance of Wind, spontaneous perspiration, sneezing easily, pale complexion or general debility and susceptibility to Wind-pathogens.
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