
 TL096八正散  Ba Zheng San
(Clear Damp Heat of Lower Passage)
Tong Cao 通草(Tetrapanacis Medulla)             8.09%
Che Qian Cao 车前草(Plantago Herba)     13.33%
Bian Xu扁蓄 (Polygonum Avicularis Herba)     8.89%
Da Huang 大黄  (Rheum Rhizoma)  6.68%
Zhi Zi  栀子 (Gardenia Fructus)               13.33%
Qu Mai 瞿麦  (Dianthus Herba)               8.89%
Gan Cao 甘草 (Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice))            5.24%
Huang Bai 黄柏 (Phellodendron Cortex) 13.33%
Jin Qian Cao 金钱草 (Lysimachia Herba)  22.22%
This formula clears Heat; enhances urination; unblocks urinary dysfunction; helps alleviate inflammation.  It is used as a diuretic to dispel True Heat and Dampness in the Lower Burner.  Related symptoms are: frequent, painful and difficult urination, flow scanty and obstructed, color is amber and turbid, accompanied by burning sensation; dry mouth and throat; distended abdomen due to urinary retention; red face and eyes; canker sores on the lips and tongue; Bladder inflammation; urinary tract inflammation.  Tongue is usually red with a yellow coating.  Pulse is usually forceful and rapid.
Contraindication: It is not for a person who has a weak constitution and chronic problems, or who is pregnant.
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