Long Dan Cao龙胆草 (Gentiana Radix ) 15.08%
Chai Hu 柴胡(Bupleurum Radix) 15.08%
Ze Xie 泽泻(Alisma Rhizoma) 15.08%
Di Huang 地黄 (Rehmannia Radix) 15.08%
Huang Qin 黄芩(Scutellaria Radix) 7.94%
Zhi Zi H 栀子(Gardenia Fructus) 7.94%
Che Qian Zi 车前子(Plantago Semen) 7.94%
Dang Gui 当归(Angelica Sinensis Radix) 7.94%
Gan Cao 甘草(Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice)) 7.92%
Action and Indication: This formula purges the intense Heat or Fire from the Liver and Gallbladder, clears the Heat and Dampness of the Three Burners. 1. For a person with upward flaring of Liver Fire. The symptoms are: headache, dizziness, chest pain, mouth with bitterness, blood-shot eyes, ear swollen or deaf, dry throat, yellow urine, constipation. 2. For a person with Dampness and Heat in the Liver channel. The symptoms are: turbid urine, swelling or itchiness in the genital region, leucorrhoea, hypochondriac pain.
主治﹕具有清泻肝湿热、实火之功效。用于肝胆火旺、目赤、耳聋耳肿、胁痛口苦、小便赤涩、阴湿,热痒,阴肿,白浊,溲血,阴囊湿痒及妇女带下等症。亦对急性黄疸型肝炎、丝虫病、多发性大动脉炎、偏头痛、高血压、慢性肝炎、胃炎、肾炎、甲状腺功能亢进、柯兴氏综合症、指端皮炎、异位性皮炎、疱疹、脂溢性皮炎、 中耳炎、角膜基质炎、萎缩性