
浓缩丸(Concentrated pill) 片剂 (Tablets) 胶囊剂 (Capsules) 颗粒剂 (Granules)

TL013 降压丸
Jiang Ya Wan
(Sedate Liver Yang & Nourish Yin)     
降压片 Jiang Ya Pian  (Sedate Liver Yang & Nourish Yin Tablet)   Item no. D5130 (tablet)
Huai Niu Xi 怀牛膝(Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae)        28.57%
Shen Di Huan 生地(Radix Rehmanniae)          14.3%
Long Dan Cao 龙胆草(Radix Gentianae)            9.52%
Hui Hua 槐  花(Flos Sophorae)                      9.52%
Xia Ku Cao 夏枯草(Spica Prunellae)                 9.52%
Bai Ji Li 白蒺藜 (Fructus Tribulis)                     28.57%           
Action and Indication:  This formula has the effect of lowering blood pressure.  It is used for dizziness, tinnitus; sensation of swelling in the eyes, vexation and palpitations caused by hypertension.  It is suitable for lassitude in loins and legs and even unsteadiness in walking.
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