
浓缩丸(Concentrated pill) 片剂 (Tablets) 胶囊剂 (Capsules) 颗粒剂 (Granules)

TL132 温经汤丸 
Wen Jing Tang Wan (Damp & Puffy Relief)
Wu Zhu Yu 吴茱萸(Evodia Fructus)            5.88%
Dang Gui 当归(Angelica Sinensis Radix)          8.82%
Bai Shao 白芍(Paeonia Radix)              11.76%
Chuan Xiong 川芎(Ligusticum Rhizoma)          5.88%
Dang Shen 党参(Codonopsis Radix)                11.78%
Gui Zhi 桂枝(Cinnamomum Ramulus (Twig))               5.88%
Shu Di Huang 熟地黄(Rehmannia Radix (Prepared) 11.76%
Mu Dan Pi 牡丹皮(Paeonia Cortex)                   5.88%
Sheng Jiang 生姜(Zingiber Radix (Fresh Ginger)) 5.88%
Gan Cao 甘草(Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice))           2.96%
Ban Xia 半夏(Pinellia Tuber)                       5.88%
Mai Dong 麦冬(Ophiopogon Radix)                8.82%
Zhi Shou Wu 制首乌(Radix polygonimultiflori preparata) 8.82%
Action and Indication: This formula clears Cold; warms the Channels; tonifies Blood; dispels Blood Stasis.  It is used to help regulate menstrual irregularity caused by Deficiency and Coldness in the Chong-Ren Channels.  Related symptom are: irregular menstruation; continuous menstrual flow; mild, persistent uterine bleeding; bleeding between periods; menopausal disorders; mild fever in the evening; dry mouth and throat; sensation of heat in the palms and soles; chronic pelvic inflammation; infertility due to Deficiency and Coldness; distention, pain and cold sensation in the lower abdomen.  Tongue is usually pale with a white coating.  Pulse is usually deep and slow.
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