编号(No.) | 品名(Name) | 主治功能(Action & Indication) |
TL118 | JIn Suo Gu Jing Wan 金锁固精丸 |
Male sexual dysfunction of nocturnal emissions, tiredness, lumbago due to kidney and liver depletion. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 补肾固精,用于精关不固,梦遗滑泄。(口服,一 次8粒,一 日3次) |
TL119 | Liu Wei Di Huang Wan 六味地黄丸 |
To replenish yin of the kidney. Deficiency of the kidney yin marked by dizziness, tinnitus, aching and limpness of the loins and knees, consumptive fever, night sweating. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 滋阴补肾,用于肾阴亏损,头晕耳鸣,腰膝酸软,骨蒸潮热,盗汗遗精, 消渴。(口服,一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL120 | Ming Mu Di Huang Wan 明目地黄丸 |
To nourish yin of the liver and the kidney and the improve eyesight.(8 pills once,3 times daily) 滋阴,养肝,明目。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL121 | Cong Rong Bu Shen Wan 苁蓉补肾丸 |
Tonifies the vital essence of the kidney Yin, strengthening the tendons and bones. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 滋补肾阳,强筋壮骨。(口服, 一次8粒,一日 3次) |
TL122 | You Gui Wan 右归丸 |
Warms and tonifies the kidney yang. Replenishes kidney Yang, nour ishes the Blood. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 温补肾阳,用于肾阳不足。(口服, 一 次8粒, 一日3次) |
TL123 | Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan 金匮肾气丸 |
Nourishes and warm kidney and Yang. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 温补肾阳。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL124 | Mai Wei Di Huang Wan 麦味地黄丸(八仙长寿丸) |
Nourish Yin of kidney and the lung .(8 pills once,3 times daily) 滋肾养肝。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL125 | Qi Ju Di Huang Wan 杞菊地黄丸 |
Nourish Yin of the lung and the kidney. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 滋阴养肝。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL126 | Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan 知柏地黄丸 |
Nourish Yin and Lower the fire . (8 pills once,3 times daily) 滋阴降火。(口服,一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL127 | Er Long Zuo Ci Wan 耳聋左慈丸 |
Replenish the kidney and subdue hperactivity. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 滋肾平肝。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL128 | Zuo Gui Wan 左归丸 |
To replenish the kidney and liver. (8 pills once, 3 times daily) 滋补肝肾。(口服,一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL129 | Bu Sheng Qiang Shen Pian 补肾强身片 |
Nour ishes kidney yang, Toniles sperma tozoon.(4 pills once,3 times daily) 补肾壮阳,益精止遗。(口服, 一次4粒,一日3次) |
TL130 | Zhen Wu Tang 真武汤 |
Warms the kidney and spleen yang, tonifies the spleen Qi, promotes diuresis. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 温养利水,肾阳衰弱。(口服,一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL131 | Zhuang Yang Wan 壮阳丸 |
Tonifes the kidney yang, and strengthen the male sexual entercause.(8 pills once,3 times daily) 补肾壮阳。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
Add: 360Jia Yu Guan West Road, Lanzhou,China730020
Cel: (0) 15009318279
Web Site:www.gsmeheco.com