编号(No.) 品名(Name) 主治功能(Action & Indication)
TL001 Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan
To warm and reinforce the spleen and the stomach, used for deficiency-old syndrome of the spleen and stomach market by cold sensation and pain in the epigastrium, vomiting, diarrhea and cold extremities.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL002 Bao He Wan
Indigast ion, dyapepsia stomach dysfunction abdominal distens ion-inaction hyperacidity, anorrexia. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL003 Zi Sheng Wan
To invigorate the spleen function and improve appetite, stem ate digestion and regulate the stomach function. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL004 Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan
A stomach for gastrointestinal weakness, dyspepsia gastric flounce and diarrhea, also ettective as an expectorant.
(8 pills once,3 times daily)
温中和胃,用于不思饮食,呕吐酸水,胃脘满闷, 四肢倦怠。(口服,一次8粒,一日3次)
TL005 Xiang Sha Liu Jun Wan
To replenish Qi, invigorate and regulate the function of the spleen and stomach. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
便溏泄。(口服, -次8粒,一日3次)
TL006 Jian Pi Wan
To invigorate the spleen function and improve appetite, used for weakness of the spleen and the stomach by epigastria and abdominal distension,anorexia and loose bowels dyspepsia. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
TL007 Run Chang Wan
Moistening the intestines to relieve constipation, Used for chTO intestinal dryness, (4 pills once,3 times daily)
补血养血,用于大便干燥。(口服, 一次4粒,一日3次)
TL008 Wu Ren Wan
Moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
润肠通便。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次)
TL009 Chen Xiang Hua Qi Wan
Regulation the Qi the middle Jiao, tonifies the Qi, promotes bowel movement. (8 pills once,3 times daily)
理气开郁,消食导滞。(口服,一 次8粒,一日3次)
TL010 Ma Zi Ren Wan
Moistens the Intestines, drains heat, moves the Qi and unblocks the bowels. (4 pills once,3 times daily)
润肠通便。(口服, -次4粒,一日4次)
TL011 Wen Dan Tang
Dries Dampness and transforms phlegm, regulates the Qi and harmonies the gallbladder and eliminates irritability.
(8 pills once,3 times daily)
清胆和胃,除烦止呕。(口服, - 次8粒,一日 3次)
TL012 Shen Ling Bai Zhu San
Strengthen the spleen,. tonifie the Qi, harmonies the stomach and drains dampness. (6 pills once,3 times daily)
补气健脾,和胃渗湿。(口服,一 -次6粒, -日3次)
TL013 Si Jun Zi Tang
Tonifies the Qi, strengthens the spleen and stomach.8 pills once,3 times daily)
补气健脾,用于脘腹胀满,不思饮食者。(口服,一 次8粒, 一日3次)
TL014 Ping Wei San
Dries dampness, activates the spleen moves the Qi, of the stomach.(8 pills once,3 times daily)
燥湿运脾,行气和胃。(口服- 次8粒,一日3次)
TL015 Li Zhong Wan
Warms the middle of Jiao dispel cold, tonifies the spleen and stomach.(6 pills once,3 times daily)
湿中祛寒。(口服, -次6粒,一日3次)
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