编号(No.) | 品名(Name) | 主治功能(Action & Indication) |
TL132 | Xiao Chai Hu Tang Wan 小柴胡汤丸 |
To treat pathogenic factors located neither in the exterior nor in the interior. Used for determinate attacks of chills and fever, fullness in the chest, anorex ia, dysphoia, retching bitterness in the mouth, dryness throat, dizziness. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 和解表内,用于寒絷往来,胸腹苦满,心烦喜呕,食欲不振,口苦咽干,头晕目眩。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL133 | Yin Qiao Wan 银翘丸 |
Release exterior Wind-heat, and resolves Toxicity.(8 pills once,3 times daily) 清热解毒,清凉透表。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL134 | Huang Lian Jie Du Tang 黄连解毒汤 |
Drains fire and resolves toxicity. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 清热解毒。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL135 | Fang Feng Tong Sheng Wan 防风通圣丸 |
Release exterior Wind, drains heat, unblocks the bowels.(8 pills once,3 times daily) 疏风解表,清热泻下。(口服,一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL136 | Xin Yi San 辛荑散 |
Releases exterior Wind-cold, unblocks the nasal passages, alleviates sinus pain. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 散风通窍。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL137 | Qing Fei Tang 清肺汤 |
Clears phlegm-heat from the lung, nourishes the lung Yin, alleviates coughing. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 疏风清热。(口服,一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL138 | Yu Ping Feng San 玉屏风散 |
To nourishes Qi and secures Biao, Stop excessive sweating.(8 pills once,3 times daily) 益气固表,止汗。(口服一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL139 | Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan 藿香正气丸 |
Induce diaphoresis, resolve damp regulate the function of the spleen and the stomach. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 解表化湿,理气和中。(口服, 一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL140 | Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao Wan 川芎茶调丸 |
Relieve Cold-wind and dispel pain. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 疏风散寒,止痛。(口服,一次8粒,一日3次) |
TL141 | Lin Qiao Jie Du Pian 羚翘解毒片 |
Relieve heat and wind cold, Used for mind -heat.(3 pills once,3 times daily) 解热散风,用于风热感冒。(口服, 一次3粒,一日3次) |
TL142 | Ban Lan Geng granule 板蓝根颗粒剂 |
Clear heat and relieve toxicity cools the Blood and benefits throat. U’sed for hepatitis. (10g once,3 times daily) 清热解毒,凉血利咽,防治传染性肝炎。[口服,一次袋(10g),一日3次] |
TL143 | Sang Ju Gan Mao granule 桑菊感冒颗粒剂 |
Clears heat and unblock wind cold, clears and dries lung heat, relieves coughing wheezing Used for wind heat headache, coughing throatache.(10g once,3 times daily) 疏风清热,宣肺止咳,用于头痛,咳嗽,口干,咽痛。[口服,一次一袋(1 0g),一日3次] |
TL144 | Xiao Qin Long granule 小青龙颗粒剂 |
Release and exterior wind- cold clears and drain lung heat, release coughing wheezing. (10g once,3 times daily) 解表化软,止咳平喘。[口服, 一次一袋(1 0g),一日3次] |
TL145 | Xiao Qing Long Wan 小青龙丸 |
Releases exterior wind-cold,warm the lung and spleen to transform phlegm and coughing tested fluids, directs rebellious Qi down-wards to relieve cough and wind. (8 pills once,3 times daily) 解表散寒,湿化寒饮(口服一次8粒, 一日3次) |
TL146 | Jiang Zao Qu Han granule 姜枣祛寒颗粒剂 |
Relieves and allevate wind-cold, warm stomach.(10g once, 3 times dai1y) 发散祛寒,和胃温中。。[口服, 一次一袋( 10g) ,一日3次] |
Add: 360Jia Yu Guan West Road, Lanzhou,China730020
Cel: (0) 15009318279
Web Site:www.gsmeheco.com