
TL062 归脾丸
Gui Pi Wan
(Spleen & Heart Harmony) 归脾片Gui Pi Pian
(Spleen & Heart Harmony Tablet) Item no. D5122 (tablet)
Bai Zhu  白朮(Atractylodes Rhizoma)     13.30% 
Suan Zao Ren 酸枣仁(Zizyphus Semen)        13.30%
Long Yan Rou 龙眼肉(Longana Arillus)          13.30%   
Ren Shen 人参(Panax Ginseng)              10%
Fu Ling 茯苓(Poria Cocos)        10% 
Huang Qi 黄耆(Astragalus Radix)           10%            
Da Zao 大枣(Ziziphus Fructus)         6.60%
Dang Gui 当归(Angelica Sinensis Radix)        6.60%
Yuan Zhi 远志(Polygala Tenuifolia Radix)   6.60%
Mu Xiang 木香(Auklandia Radix)           3.50%
Gan Cao 甘草(Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice))           3.40%
Sheng Jiang生姜(Zingiber Radix (Fresh Ginger))  3.40%
Action and Indication:  This is one of the most commonly used formulas in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.  It tonifies Qi and Blood Deficiencies mostly due to injuries to both the Spleen and the Heart.  This formula helps one to regain vitality, produce blood, improve digestive function and calm the nerves.  It is very useful for a person with Heart and Spleen Deficiency.  It is used for such symptoms as: light-headedness, palpitations, fatigue, feverishness, lack of appetite, insomnia, forgetfulness, nightmares, sallow or pale face, uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, and blood in the stool. Contraindication: Acute fever, hemorrhage caused by infection or inflammation.
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