
TL040 藿香正气丸
Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan
(Agastache Qi Correcting)
Guang Huo Xiang广藿香(Agastache Rugosa Herba s)          15.15%
Zi Su Ye紫苏叶(Perilla Folium)                   5.05%
Bai Zhi白芷(Angelica Dahurica Radix)       5.05%
Bai Zhu白朮 (Atractylodes Rhizoma) 10.10%
Chen Pi 陈皮(Citrus Reticulata (Peel))  10.10%
Ban Xia半夏(Pinellia Tuber)          10.10%
Hou Pu厚朴(Magnolia Cortex) 10.10%
Fu Ling茯苓(Poria Cocos)             5.05%
Jie Gen桔梗(Platycodon Radix)  10.10%
Gan Cao甘草(Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice))     10.10%
Pei Lan佩兰 (Eupatorii Fortunei Herba)                 5.05%
Da Zao大枣 (Ziziphus Fructus)                  2.53%
Sheng Jiang生姜(Zingiber Radix (Fresh Ginger)) 1.52%
Action and Indication: It can relieve superficies with diaphoresis and eliminate dampness, and regulate qi flow to promote digestion. It is used for both exterior invasion of wind cold and interior injury of stagnated dampness marked by aversion to cold, fever, headache, chest distress, abdominal flatulence, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, borborygmus, diarrhea, tastelessness in the mouth or sweet taste in the mouth, and whitish and greasy.
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