
 TL026 清燥救肺丸
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Wan
(Lung Dryness Supplement)
Sang Ye 桑叶(Morus Folium)                            13.04%
Dang Shen党参(Codonopsis Radix)                 13.04%
Gan Cao 甘草(Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice))           4.35%
Hei Zhi Ma 黑芝麻(Semen Sesami Nigrum)   13.04%
Mai Men Dong 麦门冬(Ophiopogon Radix)     13.04%
Sheng Di Huang 生地黄(Rehmannia Radix (Raw))         17.39%
Xing Ren 杏仁(Armeniaca Semen (Apricot Seed))      8.71%
Pi Pa Ye 枇杷叶(Eriobotrya Folium)           13.04%
Chuan Bei Mu 川贝母(Fritillaria Bulbus) 4.35%
Action and Indication: This formula removes dryness and moistens the Lungs.  It is used to help a person who has Yin and Qi depletion caused by warm-dryness in the Lungs.  Related symptoms are: fever; dry cough with no sputum; headache; throat dry and parched; no saliva; nasal passages dry; uprushing of Qi; difficulty breathing; wheezing; irritability; hiccup; fullness sensation in the chest; pain in the hypochondriac region; thirsty.  Tongue is usually red and dry with a thin white coating.  Pulse is usually weak, thin or rapid.
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