
TL024  定喘丸
Ding Chuan Wan 
(Calm & Smooth Breath)
Bai Guo 白果(Semen Ginkgo)      8.30%
Jie Gen 桔梗(Platycodon Radix)   8.30%
Zi Su Zi紫苏子(Perilla Semen)       8.30%
Gan Cao甘草(Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice))    5.60%
Zi Wan紫菀( Aster Radix)         11.10%
Xing Ren杏仁(Armeniaca Semen (Apricot Seed)) 11.10%
Sang Bai Pi桑白皮(Morus Cortex) 16.80%
Huang Qin 黄芩(Scutellaria Radix)           11.10%
Ban Xia(Fa)半夏(法)(Pinellia Tuber (Licorice-cured)) 8.30%
Bai Bu百部(Stemona Radix)                           11.10%
Action and Indication: Diffuses and redirects the lung Qi downward, alleviates wheezing, transforms phlegm, clears heat. Symptoms like wheezing, asthma, cough with phlegm.
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