
TL163 肝病治本丸
Gan Bin Zhi Ben Wan
(Hepati-Care Pill) 
 肝病治本片Gan Bin Zhi Ben Pian
(Hepati-Care Tablet)   Item no. D5179  (tablet)
Dan Shen丹参(Salvia Radix)            12%
Jin Qian Cao金钱草(Lysimachia Herba)         12%
Yin Chen茵陈(Artemisia Herba)              12%
Huang Qi 黄耆(Astragalus Radix)           9%
He Shou Wu何首乌(Polygonum Multiflorum (Fo-Ti)) 6%       
Chi Shao赤芍(Paeonia Rubra Radix (Red))                   6%
Yu Jin郁金(Curcuma Tuber)                          6%
Hu Zhang 虎杖(Cuspidatum Rhizoma)                 6%
Bai Hua She She Cao白花蛇舌草(Oldenlandia Herba) 6%
Ban Zhi Lian半枝莲(Scutellaria Barbata Herba)      5%
Hong Jing Tian红景天(Rhodiole Radix)          5%
Huang Qin黄芩(Scutellaria Radix)                        5%
Gan Cao甘草(Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice))                  5%
Qing Pi青皮(Citrus Reticulata (Viride))           5%
Action and Indication:  This formula is designed to help people with Chronic Hepatitis B or C or had Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and for people who suffer from Liver cancer.  The herbs in the formula help to detoxify the Liver.  It also invigorates the Circulation, removes Stasis, Heat, toxins and Dampness in the Liver, and regenerates damaged Liver cells.  It is used for such symptoms as:  pain in the upper right quadrant & flank rib cage of the liver area, intermittent feelings of hot and cold, tender liver by touch, raised AST and ALT in the blood, dry and bitter taste in the mouth, fatigue easily, lethargy, poor appetite and indigestion, nausea, drug and alcohol toxicity, migraines. Formula explanation: Astragalus, Polygonatum, Rhodiola contain adaptogens and have nutritive properties to strengthen the liver function. Lysimachia, Capillaris, Cuspitadium can increase the secretion of the bile and reduce inflammation.  Salvia, Peony Rubra and Curcuma can help the
circulation and also relieve pain caused by stasis and inflammation.  Many of the herbs in the formula have anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and will help the body fight and eliminate pathogens.  For people who have Spleen Deficiency and/or with digestive and absorption problems, this formula can be used with other Spleen tonic formula or immunity-enhancing formulas, such as Tonify the Middle & Qi, Spleen & Heart Harmony, or Absorption & Digestive Tablet.
本方专为曾得过急慢性肝炎患者,或带B型肝病原者,C型肝炎、肝硬化,及肝癌病患者所设计。  此方能清肝解毒,去肝胆湿热。并能活血化瘀、解除肿胀。帮助肝细胞新生,活化自身免疫系统,抑制病毒和肿瘤。肝病出现脾虚症状者,依照本肝病须先实脾之原则。宜配合健脾胃方剂使用,以达固本之效。
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