
TL156     一贯煎丸   
Yi Guan Jian Wan     (Liver Tonic)
Sheng Di Huang 生地黄 (Rehmannia Radix (Raw))     38%,
Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子 (Lycium Fructus)                    17%,
Bei Sha Shen北沙参 (Glehnia Littoralis Radix)                  13%,
Mai Men Dong麦门冬 (Ophiopogon Radix)           13%,
Dang Gui当归 (Angelica Sinensis Radix )                      13%,
Chuan Lian Zi 川楝子(Melia Fructus)               6%..
Action and Indication: Nourish Liver Yin and Blood, dredges the Liver. Liver and Blood deficiency with Liver Qi stagnation; Liver Qi invading Stomach damaging Stomach yin. Blood and Yin deficiency with Qi stagnation is a common combination of pathology. The physiology of the Liver is such that deficiency of aspects of the Liver (the Yin and Blood) lead to a relative excess of Liver yang arising. Stasis and accumulation of Liver rebellious Qi, which in turn can affect the Stomach. Strong Qi moving herbs are not indicated as they can further deplete the already damaged Yin. This is a popular and versatile formula for a variety of chronic Liver and digestive complaints, in particular upper gastro-intestinal focus.
Related symptoms are: chronic hepatitis, early hepatic cirrhosis, fatty liver, peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastritis, gastric neurosis, gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD), intercostal neuralgia, essential hypertension.
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