
TL155 补脑丸  Bu Nao Wan 
(Cerebral Tonic)
Wu Wei Zi  五味子 (Schisandra Fructus) 20 %       
Suan Zao Ren  酸枣仁(Zizyphus Semen)  16%       
Dang Gui 当归  (Angelica Sinensis Radix) 10%     
Rou Cong Rong 肉苁蓉  (Cistanche Herba)  8%
Hu Tao Ren  胡桃仁 (Walnut)  8%
Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子    (Lycium Fructus)  8%  
Bai Zi Ren 柏子仁 (Biota Semen)6%
Tian Ma  天麻   (Gastrodia Rhizoma)  4%
Yuan Zhi 远志   (Polygala Tenuifolia Radix)  4%
Dan Nan Xing  胆南星(Arisaema (bile-cured))  4% 
Shi Chang Pu 石昌蒲     (Acorus Rhizoma)  4% 
Hu Po 琥珀  (Amber)  4% 
Long Chi 龙齿(Dens Draconis)  4%
This formula can help calm shen, transform phlegm and resolves stagnation, extinguishes Wind and subdues the rising Yang, strengthens the Kidneys, Nourishes the Blood, benefits and clear the brain; deficientcy of blood and yin affecting memory, concentration and alertness. Related symptoms are: insomnia, restlessness, palpitation, exhaustion from too much study and memorizing, anxiety or vivid uncomfortable dreaming. 
主治﹕宁心安神去风痰,潜阳补肾,补血补脑,  用脑思虑过度,失眠不安,心悸多梦。
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