
TL095 玉屏风丸 Yu Ping Feng Wan (Jade Screen)
玉屏风片Yu Ping Feng Pian
(Jade Screen Tablet) Item no. D5161 (tablet)
Huang Qi黄耆 (Astragalus Radix)             50.00%
Fang Feng 防风(Siler Radix)  31.25%
Bai Zhu 白朮(Atractylodes Rhizoma)18.75%
Action and Indication:  This formula replenishes Qi, consolidates the exterior defensive system, and stops perspiration.  It is used for a person with low body resistance and deficiency of Vital Energy to protect
the body against diseases.  It is used for such symptoms as:  intolerance of Wind, spontaneous perspiration, sneezing easily, pale complexion or general debility and susceptibility to Wind-pathogens.
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