
 TL066 麻子仁丸
 Ma Zi Ren Wan
(Mild Bowel Moving Aid)
Hu Ma Ren 胡麻仁(Sesami Semen)     25.00%
Xing Ren 杏仁(Armeniaca Semen (Apricot Seed)) 16.67%
Da Huang大黄 (Rheum Rhizoma)      8.32%
Zhi Shi 枳实(CitrusAuruntiumFructus(Immature))  16.67%
Hou Pu 厚朴(Magnolia Cortex) 16.67%
Bai Shao 白芍(Paeonia Radix)      16.67%
Action and Indication: This formula moistens the Intestines; enhances the Qi circulation; clears Heat; promotes bowel movement.  It is used to help a person who has dry Heat in the Intestines and a lack of secretion of Fluids; it is an emollient especially suitable for elderly persons.  Related symptoms are: frequent urination; stools very dry and firm; habitual constipation in convalescent elderliness or those with delicate constitution.  Tongue usually has a yellow and dry coating.  Pulse is usually deep, rapid or hesitant.
Contraindication: It is not for a pregnant woman.
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