TL056 香砂六君丸
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Wan
(Phlegm/Dampness Relief With Raising Qi)
Mu Xiang 木香 (Auklandia Radix) 7.5%
Sha Ren 砂仁 (Amomum Fructus) 8.60%
Dang Shen 党参 (Codonopsis Radix) 10.8%
Bai Shao 白芍 (Paeonia Radix) 21.5%
Ban Xia 半夏 (Pinellia Tuber) 10.8%
Fu Ling 茯苓(Poria Cocos) 21.5%
Gan Cao 甘草 (Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice)) 7.5%
Chen Pi 陈皮 (Citrus Reticulata (Peel)) 8.60%
Sheng Jiang 生姜 (Zingiber Radix (Fresh Ginger)) 1.05%
Da Zao 大枣(Ziziphus Fructus) 2.15%
Action and Indication: This formula replenishes the Spleen and Stomach Qi; helps relieve distention in the abdomen caused by Cold and Dampness; helps alleviate morning sickness; resolves Stagnation of Water and food. It is used to help a person who has Qi Deficiency in the Spleen and Stomach and has Damp-Cold Stagnation in the Middle Burner. Related symptoms are: sensation of fullness in the chest; lack of appetite; feels full after eating very little; distention and subtle pain in the abdomen; nausea; vomiting; belching; diarrhea; emaciation. Tongue is usually pale with a thin white coating. Pulse is usually weak.