
TL 051 活血通脉丸
Huo Xue Tong Mai Wan 
(Meridian Circulation)
活血通脉片Huo Xue Tong Mai Pian
(Meridian Circulation Tablet) Item no. D5126 (tablet)
Dan Shen 丹 参 (Salvia Radix)   19.23%
Dang Gui 当 归 (Angelica Sinensis Radix)      12.82%
Tao Ren 桃 仁 (Persica Semen)  12.82%
Hong Hua 红 花 (Carthamus Flos) 12.82%
Xuan Shen 玄 参 (Scrophularia Radix)     12.82%
Ze Lan 泽 兰 ( Lycopus Lucidus)              12.82%
Yu Jin 郁 金 (Curcuma Tuber)      12.82%
San Qi 三 七 (Pseudoginseng Radix)  3.85%
Action and Indication:  This formula promotes Blood circulation to remove Blood Stasis, invigorates pulse-beat to relieve pain.  It is used to relieve the oppressing sensation in the chest caused by stagnant Qi and coronary heart disease due to Blood Stasis.
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