
TL004 杞菊地黄丸
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
(Eye Bright Nourish Liver)
Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子(Lycium Fructus)           6.9%
Ju Hua 菊花(Chrysanthemum Flos )   6.9%
Shu Di Huang 熟地黄(Rehmannia Radix (Prepared)) 27.4%
Fu Ling 茯苓(Poria Cocos)                             10.4%
Mu Dan Pi牡丹皮(Paeonia Cortex)          10.4%
Shan Zhu Yu 山茱萸(Cornus Fructus)     13.8%
Shan Yao 山药 (Dioscorea Rhizoma)             13.8%
Ze Xiel 泽泻 (Alisma Rhizoma)                10.4%
Action and Indication: This formula nourishes the Kidneys Yin; tonifies the Liver; brightens the eyes.  It is used to help a person who has difficulty of vision because of Kidneys and Liver Yin Deficiency.  Related symptoms are: blurred vision; vertigo; high blood pressure; eyes dry, painful and swollen; dizziness; photophobia; tearing when exposed to the wind; ear ringing; restlessness; insomnia.  Tongue is usually red with a thin coating.  Pulse is usually thin and wiry.
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