TL137 内消瘰疠丸 Nei Xiao Huo Li Wan
(Lymph Nodule Stagnation)
Xuan Shen 玄参 (Scrophularia Radix) 15.8%
Hai Zao 海藻 (Sargassum) 3.1%
Bo He 薄荷 (Mentha Folium) 3.1%
Tian Hua Fen天花粉 (Trichosanthes Radix) 3.1%
Lian Qiao 连翘 (Forsythia Fructus) 3.1%
Gan Cao 甘草 (Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice)) 3.1%
Jie Geng 桔梗 (Platycodon Radix) 3.1%
Hai Fen 海粉 (Notarchus Leachii Egg) 3.1%
Zhi Ke 枳壳 (Citrus Auruntium Fructus) 3.1%
Da Qing Yan 大青盐 (Halitum) 15.8%
Zhe Bei Mu 浙贝母 (Fritillaria Bulbus) 3.1%
Di Huang 地黄 (Rehmannia Radix) 3.1%
Bai Wei 白薇 (Cynanchum Atrati Radix) 3.1%
Da Huang 大黄 (Rheum Rhizoma) 3.1%
Xia Ku Cao 夏枯草 (Prunella Spica) 25.0%
Dang Gui 当归 (Angelica Sinensis Radix) 3.1%
Mang Xiao 芒硝 (Natrii Sulfas) 3.1%
Action and indication: It can clears heat, resolve toxins, softens and disperses phlegm, softens hardness, reduces masses, clears heat.
It softens and reduces masses and lumps, anti-inflammatory. It can help benign masses, nodules and lumps associated with phlegm, hard phlegm or mild blood stagnation. These masses are rubbery and well defined, or firm, tender and irregular. Most commonly used for swollen tender cervical lymph nodes, thyroid nodules, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis and goiter. Even though this formula is focused on softening and dispersing phlegm and phlegm heat nodules, it can be used for blood masses as it can soften hardness and assist the breakdown of the mass.