
TL124 桃红四物丸Tao Hong Si Wu Wan
(Blood Tonify & Circulate)
Chi Shao 赤芍 (Paeonia Rubra Radix (Red))          22.22%
Shu Di Huang 熟地黄(Rehmannia Radix (Prepared)   22.22%
Tao Ren 桃仁(Persica Semen)                           16.67%
Dang Gui当归 (Angelica Sinensis Radix)        16.67%
Chuan Xiong 川芎(Ligusticum Rhizoma)          11.11%
Hong Hua 红花(Carthamus Flos )                11.11%
Action and Indication: This formula nourishes and invigorates Blood; removes Stasis; regulates menstruation.  It is used to help a person who has shortened menstrual cycle as a result of Blood Deficiency and Blood Stasis.   Related symptoms are: short menstrual cycle with profuse bleeding of sticky, dark-purplish blood, with or without clots; menstruation accompanied by abdominal pain and distention.
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