TL113 血府逐瘀丸 Xue Fu Zhu Yu Wan
(Decongest the Blood Mansion)
血府逐瘀片Xue Fu Zhu Yu Pian (Decongest the Blood Mansion Tablet) Item no. D5157 (tablet)
Tao Ren 桃仁(Persica Semen) 16%
Sheng Di 生地(Rehmannia Radix) 12%
Chuan Niu Xi 川牛膝(Cyathula Radix) 12%
Dang Gui 当归 ( Angelica Sinensis Radix) 12%
Hong Hua 红花(Carthamus Flos ) 12%
Zhi Shi 枳实 (CitrusAuruntiumFructus(Immature)) 8%
Chi Shao 赤芍(Paeonia Rubra Radix (Red)) 8%
Jie Geng 桔梗(Platycodon Radix) 6%
Chuan Xiong 川芎(Ligusticum Rhizoma) 6%
Gan Cao 甘草(Glycyrrhiza Radix (Licorice)) 4%
Chai Hu 柴胡(Bupleurum Radix) 4%
Action and Indication: This formula invigorates Blood circulation, removes stasis, promotes the circulation of Qi, and relieves pain. It is used for a person with pain in the head and chest due to Blood Stasis or
poor circulation. It is used for such symptoms: chronic pain in the head and chest (fixed and piercing), chronic hiccup, irritability, insomnia,
emotional upset, increased body temperature, especially in the afternoon. Also good for treating male impotence caused by Blood Stasis.
主治﹕活血化瘀,舒气止痛。 用于胸闷血瘀及肝郁气滞淤血所致胸痛,头晕,头痛,呃逆,舌黯红,月经不调,痛经,冠心病,心绞痛,及神经官能症,高血压病,中风后遗症,久病不愈。适用阴部外伤致瘀血阻遏宗筋之血络,出现阳萎不举。治疗瘀血型阳痿有明显疗效。