
TL073 黄莲解毒丸
 Huang Lian Jie Du Wan
 (Detox Three Burners)
Huang Lian 黄莲 (Coptis Rhizoma)    18.19%
Huang Bai  黄柏(Phellodendron Cortex)  27.27%
Huang Qin  黄芩(Scutellaria Radix)  27.27%
Shan Zhi Zi 山栀子(Gardenia Fructus)  27.27%
Action and Indication: This formula removes pernicious Heat and Toxins from the Three Burners.  It is used to help a person who has Heat in all the Three Burners.  Related symptoms are: high fever; dry mouth and throat; irritability; vertigo; emotional instability; insomnia; suppurations; blood in urine; nose bleeding; hemorrhoidal bleeding; high blood pressure; urine is of dark color; incoherent speech; carbuncles; deep-rooted boils.  Tongue is usually red with a yellow coating.  Pulse is usually rapid and forceful.
Contraindication: It is not for a person with no coating on the tongue that indicates a Deficiency of the Vital Essence in the Stomach.
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