TL005 明目地黄丸
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
(Rehmannia Eye Bright)
明目地黄片 Min Mu Di Huang Pian
(Rehmannia Eye Bright Tablet) Item no. D5140 (tablet)
Shu Din Huang熟地黄(Rehmannia Radix (Prepared)) 18.3%
Shan Zhu Yu山茱萸(Cornus Fructus) 9.1%
Mu Dan Pi牡丹皮(Paeonia Cortex) 6.8%
Gou Qi Zi枸杞子(Lycium Fructus) 6.8%
Ju Hua菊花(Chrysanthemum Flos ) 6.8%
Shan Yao山药(Dioscorea Rhizoma) 9.1%
Fu Ling茯苓(Poria Cocos) 6.8%
Zhe Xie 泽泻 (Alisma Rhizoma) 6.8%
Dang Gui当归(Angelica Sinensis Radix) 6.8%
Bai Shao白芍(Paeonia Radix) 6.8%
Ji Li蒺藜(Fructus Tribuli) 6.8%
Shi Jue Ming石决明(Haliotis Concha) 9.1%
Action and Indication: This formula replenishes the Yin fluid of Liver and Kidney, disperses Wind and Heat, and improves eyesight. This is used for a person with decreased acuity of vision due to Liver and Kidney deficiency, and with exterior affection of Wind and Heat. It is used for such symptoms as: blurry vision, dry and painful eyes, night-blindness, foreign body sensation in the eye, photophobia, tearing against wind, conjunctival congestion with pain and swelling of eyes, dizziness, constipation with dry stools and yellow urine.