Relax Liver Qi

 TL079  舒肝丸
Shu Gan Wan  (Relax Liver Qi)
舒肝片 Shu Gan Pian (Relax the Wood Tablet) 
Item no. D5151 (tablet) 
Chuan Lian Zi 川楝子(Melia Fructus)   13.30%
Yan Hu Suo 延胡索(Corydalis Tuber)        8.80%
Pian Jiang Huang 片姜黄 (Curcuma Rhizoma)8.80%
Mu Xiang 木香(Auklandia Radix)               7.10%
Bai Shao 白芍(Paeonia Radix)             10.60%
Chen Xiang 沉香(Aquilaria Sinensis Lignum)  8.80%
Zhi Ke枳壳 (Citrus Auruntium Fructus)                        8.80%
Sha Ren 砂仁(Amomum Fructus)                    7.10%
Chen Pi 陈皮(Citrus Reticulata (Peel))      7.10%
Dou Kou Ren 豆寇仁(Fructus Amomi Rotundus)   5.40%
Fu Ling 茯苓(Poria Cocos)                                 8.80%
Hou Pu 厚朴(Magnolia Cortex)          5.40%
Action and Indication:  This formula soothes the Liver.  By dispersing and circulating the Stagnated Liver-Qi, it regulates the Stomach to relieve pain.  It is used for the stagnation of Qi due to depression of the Liver, fullness and distension in the chest and hypochondrium, stomachache, gastric upset and vomit, eructation and acid regurgitation.  It is used for such symptoms as:  depression, pain and fullness over the costal and epigastric region, eructation, indigestion, acid, regurgitation, loss of appetite.
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